Main Page


This is the Visual Prolog Wiki. Currently, this is only for test puposes. There is still many configurations that needs to be done.

Notice: The underlying database is not yet backed-up.

The Wiki is based on MediaWiki software (IIS+PHP+MySQL).

Visual Prolog Token Coloring

The Wiki has a special Visual Prolog extension. If you write:

<vip>some Visual Prolog code</vip>

The code will be token colered according to Visual Prolog rules (more or less). For example:

    isMember : (Elem Value, Elem* List) determ.
    %@short Succeds is #Value is member of #List.
    isMember(V, [V|_L]) :- !.
    isMember(V, [_X|L]) :- isMember(V, L).</vip>

The result will look like this:

    isMember : (Elem Value, Elem* List) determ.
    %@short Succeds is #Value is member of #List.
    isMember(V, [V|_L]) :- !.
    isMember(V, [_X|L]) :- isMember(V, L).


Fundamental Prolog Part 1

Media Wiki Getting started

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.