Language Reference/Lexical Elements
The Visual Prolog Compiler is applied to a source file. This source file may include other source files, which are (conceptually) inserted into the original source file to constitute one compilation unit. The compilation of a compilation unit is done in two conceptual steps:
- first the input is transformed into a sequence of tokens;
- and then these tokens are syntactically analyzed and transformed into executable code.
The lexical analysis of the program will break the compilation unit CompilationUnit into a list of input elements InputElement
CompilationUnit: InputElement-list
InputElement: Comment WhiteSpace Token
Only tokens are significant to the subsequent syntax analysis.
A Visual Prolog comment is written in one of the following ways:
- The /* (slash, asterisk) characters, followed by any sequence of characters (including new lines), terminated by the */ (asterisk, slash) characters. These comments can be multi-lined. They can also be nested.
- The % (percent sign) character, followed by any sequence of characters. Comments that begin with character % (percent sign) continue until the end of the line. Therefore, they are commonly called single-line comments.
Notice the following comment example:
/* Begin of Comment1 % Nested Comment2 */ This mark does not close a multi-line comment because it is inside a single-line comment This is the real termination of Comment1 */
WhiteSpace: Space Tab NewLine
Here Space is a space character, Tab is a tabulation character and NewLine is a new line character.
Token: Identifier Keyword Punctuator Operator Literal
Identifier: LowercaseIdentifier UppercaseIdentifier AnonymousIdentifier Ellipsis
A LowercaseIdentifier is a sequence of letters, digits, and underscores that starts with a small letter. An UppercaseIdentifier is a sequence of letters, digits, and underscores that starts either with a capital letter or with an underscore.
AnonymousIdentifier : _
Ellipsis : ...
Keywords are divided into major and minor keywords, this division is only cosmetic however, there is no formal difference between major and minor keywords. In the sequel we will however use different coloring for them.
Keyword : MajorKeyword MinorKeyword
MajorKeyword : one of class clauses constants constructors delegate domains end facts goal guard implement inherits interface monitor namespace open predicates properties resolve supports
MinorKeyword : one of align and anyflow as bitsize catch determ digits div do else elseif erroneous externally failure finally foreach from if language mod multi nondeterm or procedure quot rem single then to try
All keywords except as and language are reserved words.
end is always combined with another key word:
end class end implement end interface end if end foreach end try
Punctuation Marks
Punctuation marks in Visual Prolog have syntactic and semantic meaning to the compiler, but do not specify by themselves an operation that yields a value. Some punctuation marks, either alone or in combinations, can also be Visual Prolog operators.
Punctuation marks are:
PunctuationMarks: one of ; ! , . # [ ] | ( ) { } :- : ::
Operators specify an evaluation to be performed on involved operands.
Operators: one of ^ / * div mod quot rem + - = < > <> >< <= >= :=
All operators are binary, but - and + also exist as unary operators.
div and mod are reserved words.
Literals fall into following categories: integer, character, floating-point, string, binary and list.
Literal: IntegerLiteral RealLiteral CharacterLiteral StringLiteral BinaryLiteral ListLiteral CompoundDomainLiteral
Integral Literals
IntegerLiteral: UnaryPlus-opt DecimalDigit-list UnaryMinus-opt DecimalDigit-list UnaryPlus-opt OctalPrefix OctalDigit-list UnaryMinus-opt OctalPrefix OctalDigit-list UnaryPlus-opt HexadecimalPrefix HexadecimalDigit-list UnaryMinus-opt HexadecimalPrefix HexadecimalDigit-list UnaryPlus: + UnaryMinus: - OctalPrefix: 0o OctalDigit: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DecimalDigit: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HexadecimalPrefix: 0x HexadecimalDigit: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A a B b C c D d E e F f
An integral literal can belong to integer or unsigned domains and it should not exceed maximum and minimum integer or unsigned values.
Real Literal
RealLiteral: UnaryMinus-opt DecimalDigit-list FractionOfFloat-opt Exponent-opt FractionOfFloat: . DecimalDigit-list Exponent: ExponentSymbol ExponentSign-opt DecimalDigit-list ExponentSymbol: one of e E ExponentSign: one of - +
A floating literal should not exceed maximum and minimum real values.
Character Literals
CharacterLiteral: ' <CharacterValue> '
CharacterValue can be any printable character or an escape sequence:
- \\ representing \
- \t representing Tab character
- \n representing New Line character
- \r representing carriage return
- \' representing single quote
- \" representing double quote
- \uXXXX, here XXXX should be exactly four HexadecimalDigit's representing the Unicode character corresponding to the digits.
String Literals
StringLiteral: StringLiteralPart-list
StringLiteralPart: @" <AnyCharacter>-list-opt " " <CharacterValue>-list-opt "
A string literal consists of one or more StringLiteralPart's, which are concatenated.
StringLiteralPart's starting with @ does not use escape sequences, except for the:
- "" representing double quote.
Whereas StringLiteralPart's without @ uses the following escape sequences:
- \\ representing \
- \t representing Tab character
- \n representing New Line character
- \r representing carriage return
- \" representing double quote
- \uXXXX, here XXXX should be exactly four HexadecimalDigit's representing the Unicode character corresponding to the digits.
Binary Literals
BinaryLiteral: $[ ElementValue-comma-sep-list-opt ] ElementValue: IntegerLiteral
ElementValue should be any integral arithmetic expression (for example, constant), which should be calculated while compilation-time and be in the range from 0 till 255.
List Literals
All elements in a list literal must belong to the same domain (or to compatible domains). This domain can be any built-in or user defined domain, for example, it can be integral, character, binary, compound domain, etc.
ListLiteral: [ SimpleLiteral-comma-sep-list-opt ] [ SimpleLiteral-comma-sep-list | ListLiteral ]
Here SimpleLiteral can be:
SimpleLiteral: IntegerLiteral RealLiteral CharacterLiteral StringLiteral BinaryLiteral ListLiteral CompoundDomainLiteral
[] % empty list [1,2,3] % list of integers ["abc", "defg"] % list of strings
[1,"abc"] % this is INVALID list
Compound Domain Literals
Terms of user defined compound domains can be treated as literals if all their arguments are literals.