Tutorial Project. Release 1
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Revision as of 22:08, 4 June 2010 by Victor Yukhtenko (talk | contribs)
Written by Victor Yukhtenko. Email: victor@pdc.spb.su
This program is part of the Tutorial Project Evolutions article.
Game description
- The game is played on an M x N board.
Game rules
- Each player on his turn adds a new point. The point must prolong the existing Polyline (or start the Polyline, if it doesn't exist).
- The resulting Polyline must be non-interrupted and each move can be taken in any of end of the line.
- The player, which locks the line (the point is set on the polyline), wins.
It is not recommended to set the size of the field more than 36 points (say 6 x 6) due to the inefficient algorithm used |
The source: http://www.progz.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=34097&pid=153443&st=0&#entry153443#2
To run the game please make the steps as follows:
- Create the new project with the User Interface strategy Console
- In the created project replace the entire content of the file "main.pro" by the code shown below (different for 7.1 and 7.2).
- While building the project answer "Add All", when any dialog with proposals to include any packages to the project appears.
/***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2007-2010. Elena Efimova Written by Elena Efimova Translated by Victor Yukhtenko Copyright (c) 2007-2010. Victor Yukhtenko Tested for Vip7.3 ******************************************************************************/ goal mainExe::run(main::run). implement main open core, console constants className = "PolyLine". classVersion = "1.0". clauses classInfo(className, classVersion). domains cell = c(unsigned16, unsigned16). cells = cell*. class predicates wins: (positive, positive, cells, cells) nondeterm (i,i,i,o). clauses wins(_Player1, _Player2, PolyLine, PolyLine1):- step(PolyLine, PolyLine1, Cell), list::isMember(Cell, PolyLine). wins(Player1, Player2, PolyLine, PolyLine1):- step(PolyLine, PolyLine1, _), not(wins(Player2, Player1, PolyLine1, _)). class predicates move: (positive, cells). clauses move(2, PolyLine):- step(PolyLine, PolyLine1, Cell), list::isMember(Cell, PolyLine), !, show(PolyLine1), setLocation(console_native::coord(0, 14)), write("Computer Won!\n\n", PolyLine1). move(2, PolyLine):- wins(2, 1, PolyLine, PolyLine1), !, move(1, PolyLine1). move(2, PolyLine):- step(PolyLine, PolyLine1, _), !, move(1, PolyLine1). move(1, PolyLine):- show(PolyLine), setLocation(console_native::coord(0, 14)), write(PolyLine), std::repeat(), write( "\n\nIt is your turn.\nEnter the new cell as c(2,3): "), hasDomain(cell, К), К = read(), clearInput(), step(PolyLine, PolyLine1, К), !, if list::isMember(К, PolyLine) then write("\nCongratulations! You have won!") else move(2, PolyLine1) end if. move(_, _). class predicates step: (cells, cells, cell) nondeterm (i,o,o) (i,o,i). clauses step([A, B | PolyLine], [X, A, B | PolyLine], X):- candidate(A, X), not(X = B). step(PolyLine, PolyLine1, X):- PolyLine2 = list::reverse(PolyLine), PolyLine2 = [A, B | _], candidate(A, X), not(X = B), PolyLine1 = list::append(PolyLine, [X]). class predicates candidate: (cell, cell) nondeterm (i,o) (i,i). clauses candidate(c(X, Y), c(X - 1, Y)):- X > 1. candidate(c(X, Y), c(X + 1, Y)):- X < 6. candidate(c(X, Y), c(X, Y - 1)):- Y > 1. candidate(c(X, Y), c(X, Y + 1)):- Y < 5. class predicates show: (cells). clauses show(PolyLine):- clearOutput(), foreach I = std::fromTo(1, 6) do setLocation(console_native::coord(3*I, 0)), write(I) end foreach, foreach J = std::fromTo(1, 5) do setLocation(console_native::coord(0, 2*J)), write(J) end foreach, foreach c(X, Y) = list::getMember_nd(PolyLine) do setLocation(console_native::coord(3*X, 2*Y)), write("*") end foreach. clauses run():- init(), write("Wich player moves first? (1 - human, 2 - computer): "), Player = read(), clearInput(), if Player = 1 then write("Enter the start of the line as c(3,3): "), hasDomain(cell, К1), К1 = read(), clearInput(), write("Enter the end of the line: "), hasDomain(cell, К2), К2 = read(), clearInput(), move(2, [К1, К2]) else move(1, [c(3, 3), c(4, 3)]) end if, _ = readLine(). end implement main