This article briefly describes how to install MySQL locally and how to interact with a MySQL DB using a VIP (GUI) program.
- Download and install MySQL
Download the MySQL community Server - Configure the Server
At the end of the installation you will be automatically be prompted to configure the server, via the MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard. You can call this wizard at any time from the Windows Start-Programs-MySQL menu item.
Select all the defaults for the dialogs as presented by the wizard: it's probably best to use a non-blank password (e.g. "scott").
Check that the server is running as a Windows service (Control Panel - Performance and Maintenance - Administrative Tools - Services) - Download and install the MySQL ODBC Driver
See - Create a Datasource
Go to Control Panel - Performance and Maintenance - Administrative Tools - Data Sources (ODBC)
Under the dialog tab User DSN, press ADD, select the MySQL ODBC Driver (probably version 3.51).
In the dialog, enter the following:
- Data Source Name: myodbc
- Description: a test
- Server: localhost
- User: root
- Password: scott (the password you entered for the server in step 2 above)
- Database: fred
Press the TEST button - it should connect.
- Data Source Name: myodbc
- Test the database with the Command Line Client
From the Start-All Programs-MySQL menu, start the command line client. Enter the password at the prompt. The prompt should now be:
- Enter "show databases;" (without the quotes, but with the semi-colon), and database "fred" should be listed.
- Enter "use fred"
Now create a table called "person" in "fred" - - Enter "create table person (name varchar(20), age integer);"
- Enter "show tables;" (remember the semi-colons)
Enter some data into the table. - Enter "insert into person values('fred','87')";
And then check the data is there: - Enter "select * from person;"
and the data should be listed.
Close the MySQL session: - Enter "quit".
- Enter "show databases;" (without the quotes, but with the semi-colon), and database "fred" should be listed.
- Create a new VIP GUI project
Cut and paste the following code into, and (e.g.) call predicate test:() from File-New.
This example adds one more record to the table "person" and then lists the table. It will also list the data entered previously at the mysql command line prompt (step 5 above).
predicates test:() determ. clauses test():- Connection = odbcConnection::new(256), ConStr = @"DSN=myodbc;" @"UID=root;" @"PW=scott;", X = Connection:driverConnect(getVpiWindow(), ConStr, odbc_native::sql_driver_noprompt), stdio::write("Connection info =",X), % OR USE % Connection:connect("myodbc","root","scott"), Stmt = odbcStatement::new(Connection), Stmt:execDirect("INSERT INTO person VALUES ('harrypotter','4')"), look(Stmt), Connection:disconnect(). predicates look : (odbcStatement Stmt). clauses look(Stmt) :- Stmt:resetParameter_all(), Stmt:execDirect("select * from person"), NumColumns = Stmt:numResultCols(), Stmt:fetch_nd(), stdIO::nl(), Column = convert(core::positive, programControl::sequence_multi(1, NumColumns+0)), ColName = Stmt:colAttribute_string(Column+0, odbc_native::sql_desc_name), ColValue = Stmt:getColumnValue(Column+0), stdIO::writef("% = %, ", ColName, ColValue), fail. look(Stmt) :- Stmt:closeCursor().