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Template:Preliminary Documentation
A monitor is an language construction to synchronize two or more threads that use a shared resource, usually a hardware device or a set of variables. The compiler transparently inserts locking and unlocking code to appropriately designated procedures, instead of the programmer having to access concurrency primitives explicitly.
Visual Prolog monitor entrances can be controlled by guard predicates (conditions).
Monitor interfaces and monitor classes are scopes:
Scope : one of ... MonitorInterface MonitorClass ...
A monitor interface is defined by writing the keyword monitor in front of a regular interface definition:
MonitorInterface : monitor IntertfaceDefinition
A monitor class is declared by writing the keyword monitor in front of a regular class declaration:
MonitorClass : monitor ClassDeclaration
Monitor classes and interfaces cannot declare multi and nondeterm predicate members.
- A regular interface cannot support a monitor interface
- A monitor class cannot construct objects.
- It is not legal to inherit from a monitor (i.e. from a class that implements a monitor interface).
The predicates and properties declared in a monitor are the entrances to the monitor. A thread enters the monitor through an entrance and is in the monitor until it leave that entrance again. Only one thread is allowed to be in the monitor at the time. So each entry is protected as a critical region.
The semantics is simplest to understand as a program transformation (which is how it is implemented). Consider this academic example:
monitor class mmmm predicates e1 : (a1 A1). e2 : (a2 A2). ... en : (an An). end class mmmm implement mmmm clauses e1(A1) :- <B1>. clauses e2(A2) :- <B2>. ... clauses en(An) :- <Bn>. end implement mmmm
Where <B1>, <B2>, ..., <Bn> are clause bodies. This code corresponds to the following "normal" code:
class mmmm predicates e1 : (). e2 : (). ... en : (). end class mmmm implement mmmm class facts monitorRegion : mutex := mutex::create(false). clauses e1() :- _W = monitorRegion:wait(), try <B1> finally monitorRegion:release() end try. clauses e2() :- _W = monitorRegion:wait(), try <B2> finally monitorRegion:release() end try. ... clauses en() :- _W = monitorRegion:wait(), try <Bn> finally monitorRegion:release() end try. end implement mmmm
So each monitor class is extended with a mutex, which is used to create a critical region around each entry body.
The code for monitor objects are similar, except that the mutex object is owned by the object.
Guard Predicates
Consider a monitor protected queue: some threads (producers) inserts elements in the queue and others (consumers) pick-out elements. However, you can not pick-out elements if the queue is empty.
If we implement the queue using a monitor, the "pick-out" entry could be determ, failing if the queue is empty. But then the consumers would have to "poll" the queue until an element can be obtained. Such polling uses system resources, and normally it is desirable to avoid polling. This problem can be solved by guard predicates.
Each entry can have a guard predicate associated in the implementation. The predicate is implicitly declared (and it is an error to declare it). For an entry called xxxx, the guard predicate have the name xxxx_guard. The guard predicate is determ and takes no arguments.
Whenever a thread leaves the monitor all guard predicates are called, if a certain guard succeeds the corresponding entry is open, if it fails the entry is closed. It is only possible to enter open entries.
Here is a queue class that solves the pick-out problem using a guard predicate on the remove operation:
monitor class queue predicates insert : (integer Element). predicates remove : () -> integer Element. predicates classInfo : core::classInfo. end class queue implement queue class facts element_fact : (integer Element) nondeterm. clauses insert(Element) :- assert(element_fact(Element)). clauses remove() = Element :- retract(element_fact(Element)), !; common_exception::raise_error(common_exception::classInfo, predicate_name(), "The guard should have ensured that the queue is not empty"). clauses remove_guard() :- element_fact(_), !. clauses classInfo("queue", "1.0"). end implement queue
Notice that remove is a procedure, because threads that call remove will wait until there is an element for them. The guard predicate remove_guard succeeds if there is an element in the queue.
The guard predicates are evaluated when the monitor is created. For monitor classes this means at program start, for object predicates this is immediately after the construction of the object. The guard predicates are also evaluated whenever a tread leaves the monitor. But they are not evaluated at any other time.
So remove_guard is evaluated each time a thread leaves the monitor, and the element_fact fact database can only be changed by a thread that is inside the monitor. Therefore the guard value stays sensible all the time (i.e. when there are no threads in the monitor). It is important to ensure such "stays sensible" condition for guards.
Guard predicates are handled in the transformation mentioned above. The queue example is effectively the same as this "monitor-free" code:
class queue predicates insert : (integer Element). predicates remove : () -> integer Element. predicates classInfo : core::classInfo. end class queue implement queue class facts monitorRegion : mutex := mutex::create(false). remove_guard_event : event := event::create(true, toBoolean(remove_guard())). element_fact : (integer Element) nondeterm. clauses insert(Element) :- _W = monitorRegion:wait(), try assert(element_fact(Element)) finally setGuardEvents(), monitorRegion:release() end try. clauses remove() = Element :- _W = syncObject::waitAll([monitorRegion, remove_guard_event]), try retract(element_fact(Element)), !; common_exception::raise_error(common_exception::classInfo, predicate_name(), "The guard should have ensured that the queue is not empty") finally setGuardEvents(), monitorRegion:release() end try. class predicates remove_guard : () determ. clauses remove_guard() :- element_fact(_), !. class predicates setGuardEvents : (). clauses setGuardEvents() :- remove_guard_event:setSignaled(toBoolean(remove_guard())). clauses clauses classInfo("queue", "1.0"). end implement queue
An event is created for each guard predicate, this event is set to signaled if the guard predicate succeeds. As mentioned it is set during the creation of the monitor and each time a predicate leaves the monitor (before it leaves the critical region).
When entering an entry the threads waits both for the monitorRegion and for the guard event to be in signalled state.
In the code above the initialization of the class itself and the guard events are done in an undetermined order. But actually it is ensured that the guard events are initialized after all ohter class/object initialization is performed.
Examples of practical usage
This section shows a few cases where monitors are handy.
Writing to a log file
Several threads needs to log information to a single log file.
monitor class log properties logStream : outputStream. predicates write : (...). end class log implement log class facts logStream : outputStream := erroneous. clauses write(...) :- logStream:write(time::new():formatShortDate(), ": "), logStream:write(...), logStream:nl(). end implement log
The monitor ensures that writing of a log lines are not mixed with each other, and that stream changes only takes place between writing of log lines.
This monitor can be used to thread protect the operations of an output stream:
monitor interface outputStream_sync supports outputStream end interface outputStream_sync class outputStream_sync : outputStream_sync constructors new : (outputStream Stream). end class outputStream_sync implement outputStream_sync delegate interface outputStream to stream facts stream : outputStream. clauses new(Stream) :- stream := Stream. end implement outputStream_sync
You should realize however that with code like this:
clauses write(...) :- logStream:write(time::new():formatShortDate(), ": "), logStream:write(...), logStream:nl().
consists of three stparate opeations, so it can still be the case (fx) that two threads first write the time and then one writes the "...", etc.
The queue above is fine, but actually it may be better to create queue objects. Using generic interfaces we can create a very general queue:
monitor interface queue{Elem} predicates enqueue : (Elem Value). predicates dequeue : () -> Elem Value. end interface queue class queue{Elem} : queue{Elem} end class queue implement queue{Elem} facts value_fact : (Elem Value). clauses enqueue(V) :- assert(value_fact(V)). clauses dequeue() = V :- value_fact(V), !. dequeue() = V :- common_exception::raise_error(....). clauses dequeue_guard() :- value_fact(_), !. end implement queue
Design Issues
It is not easy to see how to handle inheritance from a monitor, because that seems to cause several synchronization objects (with a straight forward strategy at least). Is it worth to spend ressources implementing anything to handle this, or should it simply be "postponed"?
Entry call time-out
The wait and waitAll operations that are used to control the access to the monitor also exist in a version that has a time-out. This can be used to implement time-out functionality on monitor entrance:
clauses getData() = D :- try D = timeout(myMonitor::getData(), 1000) % time out after one second catch TraceId do if TraceId:isException(monitor::timeout_exception) then stdio::write("Waiting for data\n"), D = getData() else exception::continue(TraceId, ...) end if end try.
(The syntax, etc can of course be different, the example is merely to show the idea).
Monitor: property of implementation
In the suggestion "monitor" is a public attribute of the class/interface, but alternatively we could could hide it as an implementation detail
class xxxx : yyyy ... end class xxxx monitor implement xxxx ... end implement xxxx
These are reasons to keep it public:
- A monitor can cause deadlocks. Therefore it seems that this property should be visible to the programmer.
- To use the time-out facility it seems that you should know which calls that are entries.